Maxim Mironov
Professor of Finance
IE Business School
Maria de Molina 12, 4 izda
Madrid 28006, Spain
Phone: (34) 91-782-1716

Research Interests
Empirical Corporate Finance, International Accounting, and Corporate Governance

Curriculum Vitae
CV, October 2020

Published Papers

Using Soccer Games as an Instrument to Forecast the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe (with Juan Pedro Gomez), 2021, Forthcoming in Finance Research Letters

Tax Enforcement and Income Diversion: Evidence after Putin’s election in 2000 (with Juan Pedro Gomez), 2019, Forthcoming in Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting

Corruption in Procurement: Evidence from Financial Transactions Data (with Ekaterina Zhuravskaya), 2016 , AEJ: Economic Policy

Should One Hire a Corrupt CEO in a Corrupt Country? 2015. Journal of Financial Economics, presented at the 2013 AFA Annual Meeting in San Diego
Data, Stata programs, and tables

Investment Horizon, Risk, and Compensation in the Banking Industry (with Gilad Livne and Garen Markarian), 2013. Journal of Banking and Finance 37, 3669–3680

Taxes, Theft, and Firm Performance, 2013. Journal of Finance 68, 1441–1472. Winner of the Brattle Group Prize, presented at the 2012 AFA Annual Meeting in Chicago

Working Papers

COVID-19 and the Value of CEOs: The Unintended Effect of Soccer Games across European Stocks (with Juan Pedro Gomez), 2020

Going Negative in Autocracy: A Field Experiment at the Moscow Mayoral Elections (with Alexandra Petrachkova), 2020
Newspaper "Truth about Moscow" (Pravda o Moskve) published by Maxim Mironov and Alexandra Petrachkova

Monitoring the Monitors: Auditors, Corporate Theft, and Corruption, 2019

Economics of Spacemen. Estimation of Tax Evasion in Russia, June 2006
Russian banking transaction data are obtained through ViveData
Data Appendices:
List of all spacemen (42,364)
Transfer to spacemen by Top Russian companies
126 excluded spacemen
Data for Stata programs
Stata programs
SQL programs for raw data transformation

Bad Corruption, Good Corruption and Growth, 2005

Political Influence and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Markets (with Marcus Opp), 2004

Small Business Environment and Investment Climate, 2003

Financial Management, IE, Spring 2010

Financial Research Center

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